Aura Power has developed a battery storage site at Royle Farm, Burton-on-Trent. The site is located next to a Business Park, housing a number of industrial units. The project is now owned by TRIG and is expected to be connected in 2025.
Battery storage systems, such as this, play a crucial role in the decarbonisation of our electricity network with much needed increases in renewable energy sources. Batteries store excess energy at times of low demand i.e. from a solar farm on a sunny day, and discharge the energy back into the grid when it is needed the most.
The project was acquired by TRIG in September 2022 and is expected to be connected in 2025. For more information, please visit TRIG's website at:
Planning application was submitted to South Derbyshire Council.
The planning application is due to be determined.
The project was acquired by TRIG.
Expected connection date.
Equivalent homes powered
Carbon dioxide (tonnes) saved, per year, from entering the atmosphere compared to a traditional gas peaker plant
Equivalent number of typical electric vehicles (50kwh batteries)
The battery storage development would import and export power from the grid and store that power within the batteries. As such, it would not result in any emissions during operation. It would act as a ‘balancing service’ for the grid in balancing frequency at times of system stress. In simple terms, battery storage provides a means of allowing electricity from the grid to be imported and stored within the batteries at times of low usage, and exported back into the grid at times of system stress / demand.
The site is located next to a business park and will be connecting directly into Western Power Distribution's electricty network via an existing pylon just south of the site.
The proposal also includes some biodiversity enhancements providing a net gain of 10%.
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