Marsh Lane

Solar Farm

Aura Power is developing a solar farm on land between Wortham and Palgrave in Mid Suffolk.

If approved, Marsh Lane Solar Farm will be built without subsidy and would generate enough clean electricity to power the equivalent of around 12,000 homes, saving around 11,000 tonnes of carbon entering the atmosphere each year.

The UK has a legally binding target to reach Net Zero emissions by 2050 as well as completely decarbonising the UK’s power supplies by 2035. Mid Suffolk Council has declared a Climate Emergency in order to achieve this.

Solar farms not only increase the supply of clean power but as solar is the lowest cost form of new energy generation it will also help to reduce national power prices.

It offers a number of benefits locally with net gains in biodiversity and a community benefit fund of £12,000 a year for the lifetime of the solar farm amounting to £420,000 in total. The fund is offered to support local social and environmental projects. We are also offering educational sessions with local schools and site visits to the solar farm.

As a local business, our solar farm will be contributing over £80,000 in business rates to Mid Suffolk Council every year as well as providing green jobs.

Latest News

February 2025 - Since submitting the planning application in November 2022, we have been working with Mid Suffolk's statutory consultees to address comments and refine the proposal. As such, we have included additional planting, areas for skylark mitigation and widened the footpath to a minimum width of 22 metres.

The full planning application can viewed by CLICKING HERE.

November 2022

Met with nearest residents and Parish Councillors to discuss initial plans for the solar farm. The site was scaled back in response to feedback received.

May 2023

Public consultation events held to present revised site layout and gain feedback from wider community.

November 2023

Planning application submitted having accounted for local feedback. We will work with the Council's Planning Officers to address all elements of the scheme.

Q1 2024

Anticipated decision on the planning application.


Anticipated construction year. Construction is expected to take around 6-8 months and will be accessed via Lion Road.

Key Facts & Benefits


equivalent number of homes powered every year

Estimated figure is calculated using BEIS ‘Sub-national electricity consumption statistics 2020’ which reports an average domestic consumption per Mid Suffolk Household


tonnes of CO2 saved every year

estimated figure calculated using the UK Government Gas Conversion Factor, BEIS, July 2021 of 0.2133 Tonnes Carbon/MWh. NV Calculations based on the PV Syst generation report for the proposed layout


equivalent number of electric cars powered every year

Estimated figure calculated using an average mileage of 9435 miles per year (MOT data from RAC Foundation) and an average power consumption of 2,887 kWh (Electric Vehicle Database 2021)

Contributes to local and national targets
166% net gain in biodiversity
Jobs created during construction and local suppliers prioritised
£420,000 Community Benefit Fund
Local School Visits
Over £80,000 a year in business rates to Mid Suffolk Council

Consulting with the local community is very important to us and a crucial part of getting our proposal right.

We met with local residents and Parish Councillors at the end of 2022 and scaled back our initial plans in response to the feedback received.

We held an online webinar and in-person exhibition at the end of May. You can find the exhibition boards in the Useful Links.

Online Webinar

This webinar was held on Tuesday 23rd May at 6pm. The recording can be seen below.

In-person Exhibition - Held Thursday 25th May 4pm - 7pm at Wortham Village Hall

Thank you to everyone who attended. We are now collating the feedback received to refine a design that we intend to submit in the form of a planning application this Summer.

If you were unable to make either event and would like to speak to us in person, please contact Chloe on: |0117 214 1971

Community engagement is an ongoing process and AuraPower is always open to speaking to residents and councilors and are welcome to contact us at any time.

Our Proposal

•Site has been scaled back following initial discussions with local residents and Parish Councillors

•Indicative initial solar site area of approximately 50ha (54.7ha including cable run and biodiversity enhancements)

•Avoids highest grades of agricultural land

•Environmental studies complete: landscape, heritage, ecology, noise and hydrology

•Continued agricultural use with sheep grazing amongst the panels

•Drainage system proposed to alleviate existing flooding on Millway Lane

•Community feedback will help shape the final design


This proposal includes species rich wildflower meadows, grassland, native trees and hedgerow planting with a predicted Net Gain in Biodiversity of over 70%.

Solar farms are proven to have a positive impact on biodiversity and nature recovery as evidenced by a recent study on solar farms in the UK by Solar Energy UK. To view the full report please click here.


This site has been carefully selected due to:

•The site is already relatively well screened with the ability to plant additional trees and hedgerows

No environmental or landscape designations on site

Secure grid connection into the electricity network

•Opportunities to boost biodiversity


• Indicative route for construction and access via A143 & A140 using major road networks where possible

• Peak construction traffic will take place in the first few weeks across a 6-8 month period

• Local residents along the route will be notified in advance

Projected Views

View from Millway Lane at junction with footpath - 265m to nearest panel.

View from Lion Road at junction with footpath - 274m to nearest panel

Contact Us

Your feedback is very important to us. Please leave a comment and one of our project team will get back to you as soon as possible.

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