Aura Power is developing a solar farm of 375 MW of installed power in the District of Ignalina, Lithuania.
Lithuania is working towards an ambitious goal of meeting all of its domestic electricty needs with renewables by 2030. By moving to renewable energy sources Lithuania can significantly reduce its dependance on imported fossil fuels, ensuring a more stable and secure energy future.
Solar and wind are the cheapest forms of electricity generation today providing an immediate solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and bring down energy prices.
Lithuania’s relatively high solar irradiance and excess availability of land makes solar power a competitive and cost -effective option.
Lithuania has set commendable targets for increasing its solar energy capacity as part of its broader strategy to transition to renewable energy and aims to have 2.4 gigawatts of installed solar by 2030.
This solar farm will contribute 15% to this target making it a nationally significant project.
September 2024 - Listening to the views of the local community is vital in helping us shape our plans and developing the best possible scheme. We have made significant progress since launching our plans in August 2022. On the 18th September we held a community event in Dukstas to present more detailed plans to the local community and listen to feedback.
Project commenced
Initial plans presented at local community event in Dukstas
We sponsored the Dūkštas midsummer festival
We held a community event to update the local community on our plans
Submit construction permit
The solar farm is anticipated to start exporting electricity to the grid
equivalent number of homes powered every year
Tonnes of CO2 saved every year
Equivalent number of electric car batteries
Consulting with the local community is very important to us and a crucial part of getting our plans right.
We held a community event at Dukstas Cultro Centre on the 18th September 2024 to present our plans and speak to local people about their concerns.
The event was well attended and we thank everyone for coming.
We are committed to being a good neighbour and take pride in building relationships with our host communities to ensure any impact is suitably mitigated and benefits for the local community are suitable promoted.
If you have any questions or concerns at any point, please get in touch.
• This site has been carefully selected due to its proximity to existing electrical infrastructure to connect into the transmission grid
• The site offers no environmental or landscape designations
• Excellent levels of solar irradiation to generate clean electricity
• Feedback from local stakeholders will help shape the final design
• A number of environmental and technical studies have informed the design of the site
• Further studies will be undertaken in order to obtain the construction permit
Your feedback is very important to us. Please leave a comment and one of our project team will get back to you as soon as possible.